
Review: God Behaving Badly

Review: God Behaving Badly

The Old Testament God has a bad reputation. What are we to make of a book that depicts God as an ally to slavery, genocide, misogyny, and prodigious violence? I explore a theologian’s answer to these questions in the 2011 book God Behaving Badly.

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What Will Happen When Our Drugs Stop Working?

What Will Happen When Our Drugs Stop Working?

The net result of decades of microbial warfare is that the drugs we’ve depended on for so long have stopped working. What would a world look like absent antibiotic remedies?

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The Paths to Multicellularity Are Many

The Paths to Multicellularity Are Many

Two new experiments observe the origin of multicellularity in fungi.

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Planck Further Refines Our Understanding of the Cosmos

Planck Further Refines Our Understanding of the Cosmos

Earlier this month the analysis from the ESA’s Planck satellite surfaced, the details of which should keep cosmologists busy for years to come.

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The Hockey Stick Hasn’t Changed

The Hockey Stick Hasn’t Changed

The latest major climate study was released earlier this month, reaching back 11,300 years to reconstruct temperature and climate data.

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Why Do We See Illusions?

Why Do We See Illusions?

Vision scientist Mark Changizi disassembles the aura of optical illusions in this brief talk for TedEd. Why do we see illusions? Aren’t our eyes and brains complex enough to avoid being fooled by simple visual trickery?

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One Journalist’s Search for Einstein’s Brain

One Journalist’s Search for Einstein’s Brain

A fun TEDx talk by Steven Levy recounting his quest to understand just what happened to Einstein’s brain.

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Google Goes Vertical in Street View Update

Google Goes Vertical in Street View Update

Google scales the steepest climbs on earth with its latest update to Street View. Everest, Kilimanjaro, and other Seven Summits peaks are now featured in full panoramic detail.

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Meet Your Evolutionary Family

Meet Your Evolutionary Family

Life on earth is symbiotic. New mathematical analysis upholds the well-supported model of universal common ancestry.

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New Evidence Refines Impact Theory of Dino Extinction

New Evidence Refines Impact Theory of Dino Extinction

A new study brings significant geochronological evidence to bear on the impact extinction theory of the dinosaurs. There is now little dispute that Chicxulub signaled the death knell for this idyllic era of life.

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Review: A Planet of Viruses

Review: A Planet of Viruses

Carl Zimmer’s latest provides an intimate look at the viral underworld, responsible for the bulk of the world’s genetic diversity and that continues to play a pivotal role in the evolution of life and the planet as a whole.

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Carl Zimmer Talks Parasitic Wasps

Carl Zimmer Talks Parasitic Wasps

One would be hard-pressed to find more disturbing behavior in all of the animal kingdom than what we observe in the the jewel and ichneumon wasps.

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