
Review: The Hot Zone

Review: The Hot Zone

Richard Preston’s fan favorite promises high-octane thrills but comes up short on the science.

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Is Mars One at Odds With Reality?

Is Mars One at Odds With Reality?

A new report on Mars One casts doubt on the outfit’s heady plans for colonizing space.

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Don’t Miss: Comet Landing Tomorrow

Don’t Miss: Comet Landing Tomorrow

The comet landing tomorrow will be a defining event for space exploration and for our species. Stay tuned to the livestreams to ensure you don’t miss a second of coverage.

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New Study Sheds Much-Needed Light on Norovirus

New Study Sheds Much-Needed Light on Norovirus

A recent breakthrough in the study of norovirus may lead to new treatments.

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8 Web Creations That Bring Science to Life

8 Web Creations That Bring Science to Life

When science and art collaborate, we all benefit. Fire up your imagination with these creative presentations of science.

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Why Sam Harris Is Wrong On Islam

Why Sam Harris Is Wrong On Islam

The recent brawl on Bill Maher is an indication of how badly we need other voices in the conversation about Islam.

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Review: The Martian

Review: The Martian

Andy Weir invites us into a world where bottomless ingenuity, basic NASA provisions, and copious amounts of duct tape are all you need to survive a death trip to Mars.

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Xbox 360 HDMI Display Settings Guide

Xbox 360 HDMI Display Settings Guide

If you’ve ever wondered how to properly configure your Xbox 360 for HDMI output, this is the guide for you.

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Review: The Secret

Review: The Secret

Don’t be alarmed. I read this so you don’t have to.

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Review: 1984

Review: 1984

A generation-spanning dystopian vision of government overreach, from one of the greatest writers the English language has ever known.

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Review: I Am Legend

Review: I Am Legend

That moment you realize how sharply the film deviates from the source material.

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Review: Poetry of the Universe

Review: Poetry of the Universe

In this brief volume Robert Osserman opens up the aesthetic space as he volleys philosophy in between sets of mathematical exposition.

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