Lenski’s high-profile E. coli program represents an iconic case of experimental evolution.
Archive for September, 2012
Review: Rage
With its penchant for monosyllabic game titles and quick-twitch gunplay, Id has now dropped Rage into the first person fracas.
Hysteria and 7th Century Literature
The recently uploaded anti-Muslim video is a squalid piece of amateurish videowork to be sure, but the reactionary measures proliferated throughout the Muslim states have shown just how dangerous certain beliefs can be.
Review: The Order of Things
Michel Foucault’s 1966 work on the history and meaning of Western thought is an intellectual tour de force that’s not for the faint of heart.
Math Class Needs a Makeover
In this brief TED talk, Dan Meyer discusses the backwardness of math education in America and how to improve the situation.